Wollyhood is dè wolwinkel in Utrecht!

A day out in Wageningen

I went to visit some friends who live in Wageningen.

Even though the weather did not seem the best, it was dry so we decided to go for a walk into the forest.
I love walking in the forest., being surrounded by nature. The air smells so fresh, especially after a short shower of rain and it is so quiet, which I, living in a city, enjoy very much. I find it very relaxing and it reminds me of home, because most of my childhood I spent in the countryside.

This picture was taken during our walk:

After that we went to have a lunch in this place called ‘De Oude Herbergh’ in Oosterbeek:

The food was fantastic, the service very friendly. And lucky for us the sun came out so we were able to sit outside.

Alltogether it was an amazing day that felt like a mini-vacation.

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